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  • Why You Should Sit on The Floor While Eating

      26 September 2024 •  By : Suman Ghosh  Comments
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    Nowadays, we eat meals on a chair, but many Indians say that having meals sitting on the floor will lead to good health. Also, elders tell us different directions, positions, and benefits of eating on the floor. Do you want to know why you sit on the floor while eating? Let’s understand this in depth.

    Origin of eating on the floor

    In ancient times, people loved to eat sitting on the floor. It was believed that eating on the floor would be beneficial if one followed Ayurvedic principles. These include purity, activities, and darkness, which help a person digest his food correctly.

    Also, few other cultures prefer to eat on the floor because they think sitting on the floor while eating will diseases at bay. Koreans and Chinese believe in eating while sitting on the floor, as their ancestors followed this same practice.

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    .Importance of eating on the floor

    Sitting on the floor while having food is of great importance. A few of these are:

    1. In Indian culture: Sitting on the floor and eating

    Indians prefer to eat meals while sitting on the floor, which helps maintain a healthy lifestyle. In the 21st century, many people eat their meals sitting on chairs, which might harm their health. Our older family members often suggest eating on the floor because it helps improve blood circulation.

    It also improves family bonding, as everyone sits in the same position to have food. It is also important, as the Indian people believe it makes a person humble. Our elders tell us that when we sit on the floor to have our meals, we follow the concept of yoga. One should consider it important for psychological reasons.  

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    1. Scientific importance: Sitting cross-legged and eating

    Sitting cross-legged will help to circulate blood in our body. Eating on the floor is important as the nerves of our body give signals to our brains about empathy and a full stomach. Hence, we eat from time to time to avoid having too much food.

    It is also believed that sitting cross-legged improves digestion by activating the abdomen muscles. Body exercise will help us reduce fat and lose weight when we stand up and sit down. They also help individuals to get rid of weaknesses.

    The Sukhasana yoga position is a cross-legged position, which helps maintain posture. Also, a study, claims that people who practice sitting on the floor while eating will have a long life expectancy.

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    .Advantages of Eating While Sitting on the Floor

    1. Sitting on the floor will be highly rewarding when one is having their meals. This will lead to better physical and mental well-being. These are:  
    2. The cross-legged position is related to Padma asana yoga postures. These postures give individual flexibility and relieve joint pains.
    3. This position is beneficial for the secretion of abdominal acids during digestion.
    4. Sitting in a cross-legged position helps one quit overeating.
    5. It helps us absorb nutrients and vitamins like Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D.
    6. It keeps our spinal pain away and reduces high blood pressure.
    7. Sitting in a cross-legged posture will help us in relaxation.
    8. It also aids emotional factors as it makes us grounded when we sit down to have our meals.

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